In order to write down your dreams, you will obviously first have to remember them. You dream every night (even though you do not always remember). As a matter of fact, many people forget their dreams because they immediately start thinking about a lot of other things in the morning. Consequently any memory they have of their dreams disappears.
What can you do about this? Repeat a few times to yourself before you go to sleep: 'Tomorrow I shall remember my dream!' Then you fall asleep. When you wake up in the morning, the first thing you do is think about your dream. What was it about? How did it feel?
Stay quietly in your bed, and wait a moment. You will see that in this way it is easier to remember your dream. As soon as you have recalled it, you should quickly write it down. If you wait too long, even a mere 5 or 10 minutes, you will often have forgotten.
How to interpret your dreams
After having written down you dream, there are always two questions to be asked for each dream-image (people, animals, things or events):
1) Who/what/where/when does the dream-image remind me of?
2) If somebody had never seen this image before, how would I explain it to him?
Divide a piece of paper into two halves. On the left side you write down all the dream-images of the dream you have written down. Behind each image you put the answer to the two questions. On the right you write what you think is de meaning of the dream.
See the following example.
You will see that your associations are very important. When you think about the house the answer to question 1 may be that it reminds you of the house of your uncle. The answer to question 2 might be: 'A house is something you live in, where you are save from bad weather. A place where you spend time with your family.
The bird may remind you of a certain park, where you see such birds by day.
And you may think that a bird is something that is free and is able to look at things from a distance.
Now you probably understand that you can discover the symbolic meaning of the dream-images with the two questions. After answering all the questions you can try to understand what the entire dream means. You will notice that only one dream does not tell to much. It is just a piece of the puzzle. If you look at a couple of dreams you often see a theme. Some images will also
appear more often than others. These are usually very significant.
I have also written a dictionary of dreams, that can be useful. But your own associations are more important.
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